dpmptsp@karawangkab.go.id WA Only 081312009015
NIB 9120404221744
Sektor Usaha Jasa
Sub Sektor Usaha
Produk Industrial Catering, Event Catering, Facility Services
Kapasitas Produksi 540.000 porsi / Bulan
Izin Layak Higienis 912040422174400300005
Izin Edar BPPOM -
Sertifikat Halal LPPOM-00340072170315
Hak Paten -
SNI 824 180 17013
Izin Mendirikan Bangunan 503/4325/420/IMB/IV/DPMPTSP/2018
Nama Kontak WILLY W
Alamat Kav. Technopark Blok E/3 Jl. Surya Utama No. 2 Kutamekar, Ciampel Karawang regency, Kab. Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Nomor Telepon 081380692722
Alamat Email willy.w@gdsk.co.id
Website/Media Sosial www.gdsk.co.id

Nutrition is very important part of every single human's life. We believe nutritious and delicious food can make people happy and becoming more productive. We have a proven track record of providing catering services to various sectors. Our services are individually tailored to meet each specific customer needs. We serve meals at offices, factories, remote sites, offshore platforms, hospitals, schools and universities. Today, we serve more than 10 million meals to our costumers annually, serving them nutritious meals with the highest quality and safety standards. Serving meals that are pleasing to high numbers of people may become problems therefore with our services we provide our customers with the solutions they need.